
Public Speaking: Giving a Great Speech : Public Speaking Tips: Visualizing Success

Fear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears of people all over the world. Visualize success before giving a speech with tips from a communications specialist in this free public speaking video. Expert: Tracy Goodwin Bio: Tracy has a masters in corporate communication and ten years experience in professional speaking. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA

15 thoughts on “Public Speaking: Giving a Great Speech : Public Speaking Tips: Visualizing Success”

  1. cant believe how true your last tip is. I was the first in the class as per roll call and the first one to give speach or presentation and always succesful. now I can realise thats why i did not had time to get terrified.

    Thanks a lot..

  2. ok i admit, i did have to watch this video a few times (more like 10 times) to really believe it. but believe it! she’s right. If you just focus and see yourself successful, nothing will really go wrong! thank you Tracy for my ‘A’ on my 10 minute english presentation!

  3. that’s true if you wait for a long time to do the speech. i gave one the other day and did it first so i didnt get the jitters. at first i was speaking quiockly, but after 2 minutes i was completely comfortable

  4. omg im giving out a speech today for sophomor president at school. u know how many people there is at school? last year the we had to go to the gymnasium cuz the teather was full!!

  5. Excellent advice, visulizing success, I would also add a little self-talk on top of that. Such as…they are going to love my speech….


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