Success management involves developing personal success skills that enable you to shine when others fail. Let’s start by asking you a few questions:
– Can you tell your employees what they want to hear, even though it is bad news?
– Do you know where you stand as a leader?
– Do you understand your own personal brand?
– Can you make a decision stick – and stick by your decision?
If you cannot answer all of these positively and with confidence then you need to work on your personal success skills. Success management will not help you manage success, but will help you to be successful. It might not make you a great manager or leader, but it can give you the right attitude towards achieving the success you desire.
Many people are unable to manage their personal lives, yet pretend to be able to manage others. Perhaps they can, but one measure of the success of a manager is how successful they lead their own life. Management is not leadership, of course, and it takes more than good management to make a good leader. However, success itself requires neither good management nor good leadership, although the latter is more of a measure than the former. Good leaders are respected, and true success management is difficult without gaining respect – the respect of your family, employees or colleagues, and even of those above you in the hierarchy.