
Public Speaking – Giving a Great Speech: Eye Contact

Great public speakers make eye contact in order to connect with the audience.

Here’s some tips on how to develop good eye contact while speakings from a communications specialist  Tracy Goodwin

Bio: Tracy has a masters in corporate communication and ten years experience in professional speaking. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA

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14 thoughts on “Public Speaking – Giving a Great Speech: Eye Contact”

  1. lol! I used to do that thing where you only stare at the teacher when giving a speech! It felt less imtimidating to look at 1 person rather than having to make eye contact with the entire class.. And I thought that that was okay for a while! Now I know that you must make eye contact with everyone, and nothing bad will happen if you do….=P

  2. i think i can befriend a blind person.

    and you’ve gor to check her videos on how to speak with a british dialect. HILARIOUS!


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