
Top 10 Reasons for Online Training

1) Learning is on your own terms!  You can access the courses you want at any time, from any place.

2) You’re in charge of your own learning. You can complete entire courses to learn a brand new skill or hone specific skill areas where you need brush ups or instant answers to specific questions. It’s up to you how you use the courses.

3) You can learn the way you learn best and meets your personal needs.

4) The material is always current and is updated as information changes.  You’ll always get the latest information, from leaders in education and the training arena.

5) You’ll have a 24/7 technical help line available to you in case you have problems or questions.

6) CEU’s can be earned for most courses.

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Management Development Training for Men and Women – is There Any Difference?

So is this difference in style just a perception or is it based on any evidence?

We are aware of the animal studies than show the differences in behavior between males and females that have characterized females as being more nurturing and of males classically exhibiting aggressive, dominant “A”€ type behavior -€“ but how far do these results transfer across to management roles in organizations?

We also know that there are differences in some physical performance aspects of men and women which have to be taken account – especially in occupations where physical strength and stamina is important e g The Army, The Fire Brigade

When we look at some of the more sophisticated Psychometric tests measuring personality characteristics such as 16pf, we do know that there are some gender differences which are significant enough for us to use different norm tables for men or women in order to normalize any comparative results.

So if we accept that there are some gender based differences in managerial style and approach should we then provide different forms of management development training for man and women?

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Importance Of Management Development

Basically, management development is a term that describes any number of activities that reflect a planned effort to enhance employees’ ability in various individual and team management techniques. Very simply put, management development includes development of skills such as planning, organizing, leading and developing resources.

A key skill for any employees is the ability to manage their own work and control their career path. Highly motivated and self-directed individuals can gain a massive amount of learning and other benefits for their organization by implementing an aggressive management development program.

Management development refers to the process of training and developing managerial talent within a company or organization.

But why do I need to waste time on training and development? Why not just hire the people I need when the time comes?

Nurturing in-house management talent may not seem important, but it is one of the most important aspects of the development of any organization. This is the case for several reasons, some of which are listed below:

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Public Speaking Training- Six Key Elements to Look for In Any Public Speaking Training

Most people seem to think that good public speakers are born not made. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most good public speakers have undergone significant training in public speaking.

Even politicians – those great natural orators – have all undergone public speaking training. In the UK Margaret Thatcher was known to use speech coaches. In the US President Bush has consulted actors to help improve his speech delivery.

Whatever your level of public speaking you can improve with a little help from the professionals.

If you do a quick search on the internet for public speaking training you will get thousands of hits from sites promoting everything from self study e-books to 14 day residential courses. It is difficult to decide which is right for you.

Here are six things that you should look for when selecting the training or help that is right for you.

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Public Speaking/Presentation Skills: World Champion of Public Speaking Darren LaCroix

www.Presentation411.com Do you want to improve your public speaking skills? Do you want to develop public speaking skills? Learn Presentation Skills from the Toastmasters International 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix. He started with severe stage fright and over came his fear of public speaking to triumph over 25000 speaking contestants from 14 … Read more

Public Speaking – From Speaking Zero to Speaking Hero

J. Douglas Jefferys offers a variety of concise and effective tips to improve your public speaking skills. Three minutes, well worth it. quick loans same day no fee Related articles by Zemanta Discovered The Secrets To Eliminate Your Public Speaking Fear INSTANTLY! And Make Everyone Want To Speak Like YOU!” (slideshare.net) Wow Presenter (slideshare.net) 6 … Read more

Library – 8 Biggest Mistakes Webinar – #1

Here is my archive copy of an excerpt from a recent webinar, “The 8 Biggest Mistakes for Business Blogs (and How to Avoid Them).” This piece discusses “Mistake #1 – Talking About It, Not Doing It”.  The solution is the application of a well known quality process, PDCA. If you are interested in viewing the … Read more